sai angan play school

community service initiatives of SAI International School

Clay Models

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We all know that play dough is fun and popular with young children but apart from making a mess what it is really good for? It has three major benefits for kids i.e. 1. Therapeutic, The act of moulding clay gives children a calming effect, relieve stress or even be an outlet for young children which physically express their emotions. 2. Its an outstanding sensory development activity for little hands- young children are still working on fine motor skills and dexterity. Rolling, squeezing and forming the clay helps them in this area. 3. It is a play based learning – playing with clay promotes little minds to get busy by thinking about what and how they are going to create.
The nursery children had a hands on experience with play dough and displayed their creative skills. They made objects such as big and small balls, thread like structures and when asked what they made – they answered it was a snake, a circle, a chapati, noodles, pizza etc. This type of creative play promotes imaginative and problem solving skills.

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